The Business Control Panel is NOT a traditional Dashboard
Dashboards and reports show results from time periods in the past. Well-designed dashboards compare past performance with a goal.
The following most important questions are not answered by dashboards and become subject to, often hourlong, detective work:
What is the root cause of the performance of the business or tool?
How exactly should staff behavior or tool configurations change to create better results?
This is where the Business Control Panel (BCP) unleashes its power.
Check below the comparison between the well-designed Dashboard on the left showing typical KPIs with the Business Control Panel – Insights screen plotting how the inspection sent rate for the main service advisors influences the ARO.
Well-Designed Dashboard
- The individual metrics like shown as gauges and numbers and are
- compared with goals and
- shown with additional information about past performance and
- ranked in comparison with other businesses
- More details for the detective work need to be downloaded or are not available
- Behavioral data is not available
The Business Control Panel Insights Page
- ARO is shown as average with start/end value (1) and compared with the same time window before (2)
- The Inspection Sent Rate’s avg value and start/end value (3)
- This staff behavior KPI allows us to
- The time range (4), the goal, ARO (5), and the influential KPI (6)
- The impact of the inspection sent rate on the ARO is crystal clear to the observer
- The Service Advisor will receive a goal for review one week later

How to use the Business Control Panel
Select the Primary KPI
- What Primary KPI do you want to track?
- Go to Settings
- Select up to three KPIs, which keep you up at night, since they determine the success of your business

- Coming soon: Select primary KPIs for monitoring whether they hit a lower and/or upper threshold
Get Insights
- Click on Insights and select the Primary KPI
- Select the time window you want to observe

- Select up to two influential KPIs impacting the primary KPI
- Select individual staff members or the whole staff
- Get clarity on what caused the trend and formulate your actions
Take Accountable Action
- Determine the Course of Action and assign it to either the shop manager, AutoVitals trainer, or a 3rd party coach (if configured)

- Select the Due Date and add the action item
- The Business Control Panel will remind you to finish your To-Do
What are the KPIs based on?
All KPIs are calculated from completed appointments. A completed appointment has the following attributes
- An appointment date (or work order date) is present
- A work order with labor on it is present
- A customer and vehicle are present
- The work order is closed out
All other appointments with counter sales are NOT included in the KPIs. So if your PoS shows a different ARO than the BCP, you might have counter sales included and the BCP does not.
AutoVitals’ mission is to help its clients to increase labor sales. Labor sales keep a shop humming and profitable. We help our clients with best practices to increase these labor sales especially through the use of educating motorists about the health status of their vehicle using one or more Vehicle Health Inspections.
Often our clients have internal needs for inspections, which don’t cover vehicle health but are rather performed for quality assurance or CYA reasons. These so-called internal inspections are excluded from the Inspection KPIs, like Inspection rate, Inspection sent rate, Picture edit rate, etc. The underlying completed appointment is NOT excluded from any KPI, since the basic assumption is that ANY work order with labor on it provides the opportunity to upsell a health inspection despite what you might think or what your experience has been in the paper-based world. Let’s explore the two biggest challenges encountered often:
- Fleet Customers:
Fleet managers often seem to manage a fleet based on “Run the vehicles until they break and buy new ones after. No expenses for maintenance.” No opportunity for a health inspection? No email address on file, or cell phone number of the fleet manager? Why not approach fleet owners/managers with the same value proposition as anybody else? Maintenance helps prolong the life of a vehicle substantially. Other than in the paper-based world, the digital vehicle health inspection offers opportunities to point out repeat patterns (“after analyzing the work we have done to many of your vehicles we discovered a trend in tire wear/brakes/batteries, etc. if those are taken care off earlier, you could have saved $$$$$. Here is the documentation.”) - Sublet:
Sometimes shops assume that sublet work for other shops doesn’t allow to do vehicle health inspections for the owner/driver of the vehicle. Why not?
Consider approaching the shop giving you sublet work and agree to get the driver’s email address/cell phone number/name and send a health inspection to them with your logo and the other shop’s logo in the header of the inspection results. Both of your shops will benefit from the increased transparency. Why not try it?