Episode Description
Find and Attract The Customers You Want: Multi-Shop Owner John Herring from Stamps Auto shares the steps they took to attract the best customers for their shops.
Episode Transcript
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Tom Dorsey (00:01):
Good morning and good afternoon. It says Recording live on my welcome to this week’s edition of Digital Shop Talk Radio, episode nine, April 3rd, 2019. My name’s Tom Dorsey, I’ll be hosting the radio show today. And today we’re going to be talking about how to find and attract the customers that you’re looking for online. And as always, we want this to be not a sales pitch, not some fluffy conversation, but we want to give you guys some actual takeaways that you can implement today and start getting some results tomorrow. And so I got a great guest for you. Couldn’t ask for a better special guest today. And that’s John Herring from Stamps Automotive in Mesa, Arizona. He’s a multi-location owner, and so he’s got some unique challenges. He’s got multiple shops and they’re spread out across some distances and even in other towns. And how does John kind of herd all those kittens and make sure that his website and his online marketing is the most effective as possible to meet his needs and hit his goals. So great guest today and some great takeaways for you. So I want to introduce John Herring from stamps. John, if you could say hi and tell us a little bit about you and how you came to AutoVitals.
John Herring (01:27):
Yeah, hey. Hey everybody. John with Stamps Auto. I own four shops. Some people think I might be crazy, but just optimistic for the future. I’ve been doing this for 13 years now with four shops. It’s been quite a challenge with the multi shop location. And just like you say, Tom, it’s how do you get all that going? And especially for four shops all at the same time. Because the one thing that I find is even though I’m one entity and I have four shops, it’s different from location to location in some locations. I have customers that are more do it yourselfers and that at other locations I have people that aren’t do it yourselfers at all. So I get the pleasure of seeing the whole gamut of the different variety of customers I get to come into all four of my shops.
Tom Dorsey (02:20):
And especially in Arizona, I mean you guys still have good laws there, so you get a lot of hot rotters, a lot of builders and stuff. And so I’m sure that what kind of attracts them and brings them into the shop is going to be completely different than the soccer mom in the minivan. And so what would you say was the biggest driver for your strategy to be able to go out and start to attract the customers that you’re looking for?
John Herring (02:50):
I think one of the biggest difficulties I had, and like I said, this isn’t a commercial about AutoVitals, but the one thing that attracted me to AutoVitals is being able to have all of my marketing in one place. That’s where I’m not using the different social media people. I’m not using the different website people. You guys are intertwined with my inspections, my email marketing, internal, external. So that’s been one of the biggest helpful things is to have everything in one place. Because as you get to be a multi shop owner, you can only be in one place at one time. So it’s all about setting up this stuff to be automatic and working behind the scenes without actually having to babysit it every step of the way. And that’s what I like about AutoVitals. I have a weekly meeting with Isabelle, my marketing person, and we have that meeting every week, which is so helpful. I don’t have to worry about every little thing getting done. She’s keeping a track of the heartbeat and obviously we’re collaborating together to find out what the next best path to go in. But she’s kind of like an employee that I don’t have to pay. I know we pay through what our services are, but it’s almost like an employee where I can have that conversation and we can collaborate on doing things and fulfilling homework obligations as you could say. Yes,
Tom Dorsey (04:16):
Helps lot vitals, lingo.
John Herring (04:19):
Cause there’s a lot of homework in owning four shops. A lot of homework.
Tom Dorsey (04:23):
Yeah. Isabelle’s a beast. I mean, she’s so passionate about what she does and she’s got deep experience. But John hit the nail on the head is that we like to give out homework. And really that’s just homework that we have through those meetings like John said, and find out, Hey, what’s the goal? What do we got to do? What do we got to get done? And then there’s skin in the game from both sides. We go to work and we expect you guys to do some stuff and then we meet again and make sure we’re heading in the right direction. And it’s how to eat an elephant one bite at a time and get her done. And so John, what would you say is the biggest difference from customers today? Right? Are you getting internet mechanics in there? Are you getting, like you said, the do it yourselfers, but then you’ve got the whole other side of it, people who know absolutely nothing about the car other than where the gas cap is. How do you manage that?
John Herring (05:25):
Well, I think the first part, and we use the term you can’t Google fix your car. And I tell that a lot to customers. I try to train all my service rider managers to say this. One of the big points that I bring out, and it’s funny that we’re doing this today because yesterday at one of my shops, I actually had two people come in that we ended up dropping off their vehicle and they’ve already had it at another mechanic that wasn’t doing the right thing. And then they try to fix it themselves and they go to this big long story of, Hey, I’ve changed the plug wires, I’ve changed the plugs, and I’ve changed the air filter and it’s still misfiring and I just have to sit back and not look at ’em in a bad way, but look at ’em like, Hey, you’re not educated on how a system of a car works to even be starting to know what a misfire is all about, let alone try to dag it and fix it.
So one of the biggest things that I do is I just start to build value to the customer by why they’re here at my shop. I’m going to give you a guarantee, I’m going to give you the one great thing about digital inspections is our standard diag charge is $150. So we tell ’em, Hey, there’s a value in this. We’re not just going to tell you, Hey, you have low compression on one of your cylinders or you have a valve lash problem, we’re actually going to take pictures of it, take picture of the tester, we’re going to put it in layman’s terms. We’re going to say, Hey, your cylinder had 30% less compression than the other cylinders, which therefore, so there’s value that you build behind that inspection in the, I wouldn’t say it’s really a script, it’s you’re working on the same basis of just trying to educate the customer and let them know that the car is way too complex for you to fix, so you have to bring it to somebody like us in order to take care of your problem.
And a lot of people, oh, well can I bring my own part? Well, no, you can’t bring your own part for one. I can’t know for sure that’s a quality part you bought. I can’t for sure say that the part you’re trying to replace or you want to replace is even the part that your car needs to fix your problem. So you just start building value in it. And the value is, listen, you’re going to have a three year, 36,000 mile guarantee. We’re going to guarantee that it fixes the issue. We’re going to have this documentation of full digital documentation of what we did to your car, the process in it. One of the guys yesterday that dropped off of me, he said he was at another mechanic. And the first thing I say when somebody says a misfire, well, did they do a compression check on it?
He is like, oh, well they said that was the first thing they did. And I’m like, did he give you documentation? He’s like, no, he just told me that. So it’s kind of bad that other shops in our industry are actually making it harder for people in the industry to explain to customers because they’ve already been trained and told in the wrong manner of how to fix their car and what it takes to take care of the issue. At the end of the day, you might have a customer that you think is just looking for a good deal or the cheapest repair. In actuality, they’re actually looking for an expert to take care of their problem period. And I do the same thing with things in my own personal life. If my AC goes out of my house, I’m not looking for the cheapest way to do it because what kind of parts he going to put in?
Who’s going to come out there? Is he going to show up on time? Is he going to say, Hey, you got a window from eight to five that day and I can’t tell you when I’m going to be there. I’m just going to be there. So it’s kind of like you got to build value in what you’re selling and explaining and educating customers. And then I think that tends to get them on board more with where you’ve got to go with the repair and how you separate yourself from all the other shops around you and in your vicinity.
Tom Dorsey (09:24):
And that’s a great point because something that you just alluded to, it said it’s not like a script, but it actually is, right? Because if you follow that consistent consultation with your customer and you’re able to provide the picture and the videos and that digital communication, they get it. And it’s a funny thing about millennials, and I don’t even want to say millennials, it’s digital natives. The online generations, it’s not just into the future, is that they become very brand loyal, but the criteria to develop brand loyalty has changed. And to me, I’ve been doing this quite a while. If I can get the transparency and develop the trust and then it’s convenient for me, I’m going to go there. I’m going to go there every single time, I’m not even going to look anywhere else anymore. Right.
John Herring (10:17):
Money’s not an issue at that point.
Tom Dorsey (10:18):
Exactly. And because it’s just like what you said about the guy coming out to fix the AC is to say, as you can tell, I got a discount haircut. Look at this. But you don’t want to,
John Herring (10:30):
I wasn’t going to say anything.
Tom Dorsey (10:33):
You don’t want to get a discount haircut, man. So you look for somebody who’s got the skill and is going to give you the experience and the value that you want, and then I’m going to be loyal. And I mean, you can’t get any better than to be able to print out that print or to text that inspection result with the diags and the text info and all that info to ’em because they get something. And even if it’s just, we’re used to getting digital stuff. Now I download a book and I can’t hold it and it still costs me 20 bucks. Know what I mean? It exists and so does that inspection sheet and they get that takeaway and they have something of value in their hand, and it’s not just some guy going, well, I’m going to charge you 150 bucks to tell you I found $3,000 worth of stuff you need to do. Right,
John Herring (11:22):
Right. Well, the one big thing is that is I’ve learned here real lately, we’ve been really working on the inspections and the process of it and the validity of the inspection going to the customer. We find out that we’ve stopped that. We’ve corrected the stoppage of the flow of the inspection, getting to the customer. But on the other hand, if that information isn’t correct on that inspection, then all you’re doing is sending bad information to a customer and it’s done automatically. So you got to watch about that. If you say you’re going to do an inspection and you say you’re going to have this information form you, by God, better have that, or you kind of look like an ass. I hate to say that, I don’t know, excuse me, my French, but
Tom Dorsey (12:07):
I don’t think there’s any R ratings on Facebook,
John Herring (12:10):
But it’s just that we can live and die by that. At the same token, you didn’t even check my oil. If a technician forgets to check, Hey, the oil quantity is good in full, then that’s just one little thing that you didn’t even check my oil. How can you tell me I need $3,000 worth of work to my car? But to get back to kind of that internet and the shoppers with that is that I’ve been getting a lot of, because we’re real active on Yelp. I don’t pay for Yelp advertising, but we have a lot of people that faces us, messages us through Yelp. And a lot of those are just, they’re stupid questions in my words because I’m a professional doing this, they’re stupid questions to me. But I started looking at it differently. This customer isn’t educated enough to ask the right questions.
So when they say, Hey, I had one last week. It’s like, Hey, my door locked doesn’t work on one of my doors. How much to fix that? Well, how the heck would I know how to fix your door lock? I don’t even know you’re even in the state for all I know, you’re not even in the state. So that’s where you got to step back and think about it. You got to dumb it down for yourself and go back to a script and go, for me to properly give you an estimate, I need you to come in and set that appointment. It’s a no obligation. It’s free to have this digital vehicle inspection. You go into the benefits of the vehicle inspection and right from the start, you’re building a report with that customer in the way that they look at you as being a professional or non-professional. You’re already starting to be like that. So you can actually turn those customers that might not be a good customer into a good customer just because of the way that you respond to their question.
Tom Dorsey (14:02):
Exactly. And you hit the nail on the head right there because the key, it’s engagement and everybody says, oh, engage and engagement. I was at a super conference. They had a big engagement across the stage all every day. And so what does that mean? That means respond to somebody because like you said, hey, it might be a wacky question because I don’t know where you’re at. I have no, is your door caved in from some, it’s going to be a lot more to fix that door lock, but it’s an opportunity to educate and when you respond, even if you respond with just, Hey, shoot me a picture of it and come on down and let me take a look and get some more information from you. In their mind, they just met you and they just had a conversation with you.
John Herring (14:52):
Yep, yep. And it’s funny because we’re having this discussion today, but yesterday I had a job that we pulled in off of actually my machine shop websites. I have a contact us, us. This guy thought that he had an internal engine problem, and he is asking for, Hey, can you rebuild my engine? And I’m going, well, I really don’t know what’s wrong with it. Do you know it needs to be rebuilt? And kind of got into, Hey, what’s going on? We went back and forth for about a week and a half back and forth through the email, and I’d never talked to this guy or anything. And lo and behold, yesterday he shows up with his car. He towed it down there himself. It’s a Land Rover, so it’s not the best car in the world to be working on, but I got that job in the shop just because of the way that I responded to his needs.
He didn’t even, and come to find out, it might not even need an engine. After talking to him, he dropped it off. It’s actually got a misfire. So he’s assuming that it needs an engine because the car has a misfire. And that was an aha moment for me yesterday because I don’t necessarily, I guess I’m kind of old school. I adopt this technology and do this the best I can. I know it’s the future, but I’m not one of those people that stock Facebook and pull every bit of work off of Facebook and Yelp and all that. And a year or two years ago, I could care less if somebody messaged me on Yelp. But now I’m starting to find out a different pattern to how to deal with them. And I’m actually turning those leads into actual work that’s coming in the door, whether it’s we’re actually fixing their issue or we’re coming in contact with a customer and educating them to where we might not be able to fix the need that they’re actually calling about, but now they understand who we are, what we do, and if there’s another issue in the future, now we’re the first person they think of.
So it’s not necessarily you pulled in a dollar for it, but you’ve attracted another customer that knows your name and who you are and what you do.
Tom Dorsey (16:50):
And you might not have got a dollar today, but you get a hundred next month or next year because said, they come in, they tell their friends, they just attract more people to your business, man.
John Herring (17:05):
I call it planting seeds. I plant seeds and you just watch ’em grow. And then three months from now they’re big flowers and you get to cash ’em in and they’re nice and pretty and fluffy after three months. So you just can’t look at,
Tom Dorsey (17:18):
They grow back every year, right?
John Herring (17:19):
Yeah, they do. They do. And some of ’em turn in to be lifelong customers and people that you work on their kids’ cars and you work on their grandma’s cars and you work on the in-laws cars. And it all came from a lead from the internet, whether it’s AutoVitals, whether it’s Yelp, whether it’s Facebook, whether it’s Instagram or whoever it is. It’s just kind of funny how that works out in the long run
Tom Dorsey (17:42):
For sure. And so that’s a great takeaway for those of you in the audience write this down, is that you need to engage, cast yourself a big wide net, right? There’s people on Yelp, there’s people on Google, there’s people on Facebook, get out there, and then when they respond, when they ask questions, answer ’em, say hi, that’s all you got to do. And like John said, you might have a little conversation online with somebody, some chats back and forth or some text messages back and forth, and then lo and behold, business. And that’s how you leverage social media. That’s how you leverage the online customer, is that we we’re still very social animals and we still want to be that, but we’re online now. Our conversations have just changed in a millennial’s mind or in a digital native’s mind, that conversation I had with you is the same as if I was standing in your shop and looking in the eye just as meaningful. It’s just as important. It’s just as memorable. And so have you ever had anybody yet come in, John, and then they say John, and they recognize you, but you never met ’em, but because they know you from
John Herring (18:59):
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. My wife hates it because I used to send out a lot of mud mailers. Everybody’s familiar with Mud Mailer. We used to send out 10,000 of them a month. I couldn’t go to any grocery store without somebody looking at you. You’re a rockstar. I’d like to think I was a rock star, but in actual reality, in reality, I’m not. But that gets back to that. It’s more for shop location. I am. It’s not about, the big picture for me is the branding. You know what I mean? If they see that John from Stamps Auto is responding to their messages online, then that they see my logo, they see my name, and then the next time I’ve had tons of people that go, Hey, I drove by your shop all the time, and now that I know you, I notice your sign. Wow, you’re everywhere now.
And to me it’s like, well, I’ve been everywhere for 13 years. Where the hell have you been? But you got to understand the dynamics of that branding. It’s just like, why are big corporates such big corporates? Because they’re the masters of branding. You know what I mean? Why are they putting an ad? Why is a restaurant putting an ad that you see on TV that you’re 50 miles from their restaurant not looking for that actual customer? All they’re doing is branding. You know what I mean? And that brand then will drive customers into your door. So like I said before, it might not be a monetary value. You might not make a dollar from it, but in the big picture, you’re branding your company, you’re branding you.
Tom Dorsey (20:32):
And that’s a great point because, and believe it or not, we’re so mobile and most searches are done on a phone now, like 70% of searches are done on a mobile device. So hey, I’m at a mall in another town, but now I noticed a squeak on the drive over and I’m searching, but I’m not going to take my car to a shop in that town. I still need to find John back at home. And so you need to be out there with your message and available to be found because folks are commuting. They’re maybe traveling through several zip codes on their way to work or on their way to shop or on their way to have fun. And it used to be, Hey, they drove by my billboard, or they went to church and folks told ’em, come to my shop. Word of mouth. But word of mouth is exploded to the point where it’s worldwide almost. And so we have to take advantage of that cell phone with the geolocation and know where you’re at in those zip codes and make sure we’re able to be found in all of those zip codes wherever they may be. Because at the end of the day, it might sound crazy, but they live down the street from you and then they come in and do business with you.
John Herring (21:40):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. And one of the other things I wanted to add about, I know probably we don’t think about phone shoppers and a lot of phone shoppers come from those ads and stuff that we do on Google. And I came up with a script last week that I thought was pretty handy. It was one of those aha moments. Why didn’t I think of this before? But I’m training my manager and service riders to say, Hey, when somebody calls in and say, Hey, can I get an estimate to do the alternator on my car? And my response now is, Hey, I would love to give you an estimate. When would you like to schedule that appointment? It’s as simple as that. So you, it’s very simple and to the point, you’re not arguing with them. You’re not having to waste 10 or 15 minutes on the phone explaining to ’em, Hey, the reason why we don’t let you bring parts or the reason why we can’t give you an estimate over the phone, it’s as simple as we would love to give you that estimate. When would you like to schedule that appointment?
Tom Dorsey (22:36):
Yeah, that’s brilliant, right? That’s another good takeaway. Write that down because you’re assuming the sale and you’re controlling the narrative.
John Herring (22:44):
That’s it. And it’s shut down from there. And I can’t tell you it’s already worked several times. And what I’ve told my managers, they’re like, wow, that’s simple, stupid. And it’s crazy. We just got to look at things as business owners, we get messed up in driving work and we need work and capturing every customer. In reality, the problems are very simple for us to solve. We just have to think about it in a customer standpoint, put ourselves in their shoes when they call the shop, they have no idea who they’re calling to. A lot of people, when they start calling around for estimates, a lot of them, how many people get a call in and their car’s at another shop? If you’re saying, okay, I’d love to give that estimate, when would you like to make that appointment? They’re going, well, it’s in another shop.
Boom, man, you are already like, man, I’m probably not the shop for you. I can’t give over phone estimates. Have a great day. Let us know if we can do anything. And it’s a two or three minute conversation. It doesn’t waste your time. So there’s a lot of qualifications for us as a multi shop. Our shops, there’s a couple shops that are close together, and I’ve had my customers sitting in one shop call my other shop, they have no idea we’re the same, even though the name is the same. And they’ll go, Hey, I need to get an estimate from. And I’ve had problems with that where one manager give them a $20 less estimate, then my other manager gave them. And sometimes it comes down to just the tax rate being in different towns. And that’s why you have to combat that in a different way. Don’t just say, Hey, we don’t do over the phone estimates. You got to say, Hey, we’d love to take care of that, but I can’t help you unless you bring your car in. It’s pretty simple solutions we find for complex problems.
Tom Dorsey (24:24):
Yeah, no, that’s brilliant. I didn’t even think about it from the CYA perspective, but yeah, you as a multi guy, you’ve got a guy chopping your own shop, then you identify that and you don’t step in a puddle.
John Herring (24:36):
And I think one of the biggest, we’re problem solvers and we deal with problems every day, but the problems I hate solving the most are the problems we create yourself. And those are just the stupid, the problems that we have to deal with that we really don’t have time to deal with. So if we look at it, and I guess you can just say if we dumb it down and look at it from a customer standpoint that knows nothing about automotive repair or knows nothing about the process of coming to a digital shop or to a reputable shop that charges appropriately, then we can better understand them and help them in that way. And I think that our problem is we never look at it that way.
Tom Dorsey (25:14):
And then you can actually can even set those expectations online. So on your website you can say, Hey, here’s our process. We’re ASE certified, we have this warranty. We do this full complete digital inspection and present this information to you, and then we give you estimates.
John Herring (25:39):
Well, that’s a good point because you’re setting that expectation with that customer before they ever pick up the phone and dial you so you can actually qualify ’em with the way that you market and the way you say things online to combat that before they ever have to have that conversation with them.
Tom Dorsey (25:55):
And that’s exactly it, right? And that’s how you get the type of customer that you really want. You want somebody who’s going to come in and rely on your expertise and rely on your craftsmanship and your quality and your reputation, and they’ve already looked at the reviews and so they’re close, and then you get ’em in the door and you wow ’em. And then guess what? They’re coming back. Anytime they have a vehicle maintenance issue or repair issue, their mom’s coming in, their brother’s coming in, they’re telling all the folks in the office and that transparency and that, and really just setting expectations. If I know what to expect, that’s why McDonald’s is so popular. What’s that from Pulp Fiction? The McDonald’s is the same just with a different name in France, because you know what to expect, and that’s why it becomes so popular or gets such a big following is because I know that John is going to provide this level of service and this manner, and he’s going to tell me what I need. And I have that trust in him. And I’m not afraid to tell word of mouth. It’s funny because online, it’s like we’ve gone from local or your mom or somebody tells you, gives you some advice to, we rely on anonymous people online, right? There’s 5,000 of them that said, this is good, so it must be good. And if to bridge that is to get that online reputation, but then get that local experience and have those people go out and spread the word and then you’re hopping.
John Herring (27:40):
Yeah. Well, that’s a good point, Tom, because I think one of the things that we really do well on with my company is reviews. My online reputation is everything to me because the internet marketing is becoming more and more part of our marketing every day. And just to share a little story, I had a guy that we messed up a tire on and gave him a good deal, bent over backwards, personally, met the guy, came down to a tire that we were going to make 20 bucks on a tire, and we made a deal with him. And one of my managers pissed him off and he went to two of my shops. And I finally called him on Saturday and told him, listen, hey, you’re being a jerk. You can’t peel out in my shop and he can’t act like that, so I’m not going to help you.
Well, that guy put eight reviews on all of my sites and just hammered me. And this was on a weekend, and those things personally bothered me. So I stewed on it on Saturday, and then Sunday morning I got up and said, this tire only cost me a hundred bucks. What’s a hundred? How much would I pay to have an online reputation? I’d pay thousands. Honestly, if I had a not five star, I’d probably want a 4.7 review across the board, but I would pay so much to have to have that reputation. And for that guy, I gave him $109 tire to have that reputation. He took the reviews down right away. So as shop owners, we can’t look at it like, Hey, the guy’s being a jerk are trying to prove a moral point to somebody who doesn’t get it. We can’t fix what mom and dad’s train kids to do when they were raised. So as business owners, we really got to protect that online reputation. And that online reputation is what gets the phone calling for those people that want to send you those questions and communicate with you online. Because if you have crappy reviews, they’re not going to call you. They’re not going to ask you a question. You’re not an expert on that site that they’re looking at those reviews at. So having reviews is a very, very, very important thing for the basis of what you do on online marketing.
Tom Dorsey (29:46):
Yeah, no, that’s a brilliant point. I mean, you got to talk to people, and if you look at it from that perspective, what am I really losing? Because it takes years to build that reputation and it can take a minute to end it. And you get a guy who’s got a vendetta, and I mean they go out and create online accounts, anonymous accounts, captain McChicken, just to leave you bad reviews and just try to just tarnish your reputation, man.
John Herring (30:11):
Yeah, you got to take the good with the bad. I say in the business because me having to deal with four of these is there’s not a lot of bad I have to deal with, but with four shops, it seems to be a lot of bad. I just got to deal with it in four different times.
Tom Dorsey (30:27):
Folks know that if they see, as long as you respond and they say, everybody else says, look, this guy tried to make it right. This guy’s a loon. I like a guy who tries to make it right. I’m going to go meet John.
John Herring (30:38):
Yep. And that’s exactly right. I can’t tell you how many people just by me contacting him as the owner to go, Hey, I’m sorry that you had an issue. I’m here to listen to you. I’m here to resolve whatever issue you have. That’s everything to them. I’ve had so many people go, you’re such an upstanding business guy. You really do things well, and it shows in the way you talk and the way that you react and the way that you respond to these. And that has a lot of weight as far as your online reputation and the snowball effect it has with everything else that you do. Marketing wise online,
Tom Dorsey (31:11):
Man, those are words of gold right there, folks. So believe it or not, we’re out of time. John. Time flies when you’re having fun, man, I can talk to you for another hour. I’m definitely going to have to have you back, buddy, because that was, I mean, you were just dropping gold. Hopefully people were taking notes. And the good news is it’s recorded, so you can find it up on Facebook. We’re going to post it up on our website so you can download the podcast and listen to it offline or after work or whatever you need to do. John, man, thanks a lot for coming on and sharing your wisdom, buddy. That was awesome. And tune in next week, same time, same back channel PM 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern, and we’ll do it again. We’ve got a great show lined up for you again next week.
John Herring (31:54):
Awesome. Thanks Tom.
Tom Dorsey (31:55):
Appreciate it, buddy.
John Herring (31:56):
Alright buddy. Okay,
Tom Dorsey (31:58):
Thanks. Bye.