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"Maximize Average Billed Hours per Ticket"

Roundtable discussion reveals: Follow these 5 rules and average 5 billed hours per ticket

Watch the Highlights

“It starts with a weekly team meeting”

Use this time to review team goals and collect feedback to improve the process.

Link to 2 minute timestamp.

Motorist Research Time is the key

Watch this short clip and hear how the panelists monitor MRT religiously

Timestamp for 11 minutes.

Customize your digital inspection for your operation

The panel talks about how to “dial in” the inspection by listening to their Techs

Timestamp for 31 minutes.
Opening A Second Shop. Multi-location Strategies For Success

On this week’s episode of The Digital Shop Talk Radio, Uwe, Bill, and I host a roundtable discussion with Christoph Schopfer from Auburn Euro Motors, Brittany Schindler from Rod’s Japanese Auto Care, and Bruce Williams from Rivers Edge Services, 3 shop operators that are averaging between 4.5-6 billed hours per ticket! Don’t miss this episode as the panelist’s lay out the 5 rules for digital shop success.

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